
A static visual artifact fabricated, used, or displayed to commemorate a person or event. Examples include ceremonial instruments, historical relics, furniture, weaponry, clothing (i.e uniforms), and other objects of everyday use. This does not include visual works of art such as paintings, drawings, photographs, etc. For those see Visual Work of Art.



Legacies Classification

Choose Memorial Object from the drop down menu.

Memorial Type

From the drop down menu, choose the affiliation that connects the memorial to the Legacies of American Slavery database.

Memorial Context

Choose the memorial context that applies from the drop down menu. Definitions can be found here.

Memorialized Subject

Type in the name or names of the individuals [LAST NAME, FIRST NAME] that the memorial is dedicated to or representative of OR/AND attach the person item if applicable.


[ TYPE OF OBJECT] dedicated to the memory of [SUBJECT’S NAME]  or [TYPE OF OBJECT] used in [EVENT]

Ex. Ceremonial mace dedicated to the memory of Nathan Bedford Forrest or Wooden cross used in ceremonies commemorating Jefferson Davis’s birthday.

Background and Context

Include a description of the history of the memorial that is around 250 words that includes: