- Name
- Pronouns
- Institution (College/University)
- One questions you have for to add to today’s agenda
Updates to data dictionary
- adding middle initials to person items
- adding religious organizations
- How is your semester going?
- Shaunta’s email question— how do we denote buildings and other memorials that are named after people that were complicit in the institution of slavery, but we don’t have documentation that they were enslaver themselves?
- There is a tag for people “Wealth attributable at least in part to the global slave trade” that you can use to tag people who would have benefitted from the slave trade from their families, but we need to think about whether or not we want to add something like this tag for memorials as well or is there a tag that already exists that can work.
- Nashieli— Good activities for contributing to the database
- Jonathan— campus/field hunt for memorials, created annotated bibliography, trips to the VMI archives, peer review of rough draft of entries
- Lesson plans and sharing sample activities?
- There will be a google drive to share these
- Adding a contributor field for images?
- Lynn— what do we do with commemorative events that happened annually?
- Annual events will still be one item in the database, but in the title you would denote the event as an annual event and give the date span of the event in the history and context
- How to handle backlash?
- Jonathan— focusing on the education and research and show that students have the interest in studying this history
- Lynn— staying off of social media
- Nashieli— maybe creating a statement of ethics? some language to prep contributors around, something that shows reflection and connection space, student behavior
- Student behavior
- limit the time and number of students that have access to the backend of the database
- have a conversation with students about
- Think about citations for the database and spoke sites