Spring 2023

Awesome job on your items Phillip! And thanks so much for cleaning up last semester’s items. Just remember that for the literary societies are memorials not campus organizations since they are named after someone so make sure to change those templates and follow the template instructions for societies.

Back of the College Monument

The Thinking Men

Plaque memorializing Wofford War Dead

Calhoun Literary Society

Preston Literary Society

Wallace, David Duncan

DuPre, Warren

DuPre Administration Building

Carlisle-Wallace House

William M. Wightman Residence Hall

James H. Carlisle Memorial Hall

Grave Marker of Benjamin Wofford and Anna Todd Wofford

Methodist Episcopal Church, South

Fall 2022

Great job on your items Phillip! Just double check your titles and change your commas in the titles to semicolons. Also a lot of your items had the Methodist Episcopal church as a related organization so I would recommend turning that into an organization item (check here for examples) and tagging it as an item instead of a URI.

Whitefoord Smith Library

Shipp Residence Hall